My Journey with Covid-19

Nothing can make you happy in these times except testing negative. I have struggled a lot in the past 27days. Every day would make and break me. Isolating for 27 days was challenging-  I isolated myself in my room and took all the safety precautions that had been assigned by my doctors. Rigorously doing my work from home, cluttering and decluttering my bookshelf, adding online stuff to the cart, cleaning all the dust which I had never touched because of my procrastination, clicking pictures, posting, and deleting… all of it was my daily routine for 27 days.

There are certain things that helped me stay hopeful as my body fought the virus, some of which are:

I) Joined yoga classes:- On social media, many professionals are offering online free meditation and yoga classes. I joined breathing exercise classes, and they really helped me. They helped me stay calm and, rejuvenate my energy.

2) Say No to Procrastination:- I have been the biggest procrastinator in the world; delaying and ignoring everything had become my habit until I got into the trap of my self isolation. I decluttered my bookshelf, managed all my work, cleaned my room. All these things were not only therapeutic, but I also realized that I really like doing all these things. Now I am better at handling house chores. It has become my new hobby!

3)Revived 90’s era– Undoubtedly Netflix and chill is the new normal and following all new series on ootd platform is one way of passing time. In my quarantine, I revived the 90’s era and listened to all my favourite jazzy Bollywood songs and danced to them. It gave me a break and also boosted my energy. The latest trend can be a good pass time but the 90’s era was about emotions that stole your heart. 

4)Cut down the screen time-  In the current situation, staying away from your phone is completely impossible, but it is also necessary to cut down your screen time for your own mental health, well-being. And I have utilised this time for self introspection. We all have scope for improvement, and I have utilised this time to cultivate new skills, trying to become better than yesterday and best for tomorrow.

5) Help Others – In this tough time we all need each other’s support. I have also tried to help. I was physically exhausted and couldn’t do much. But whenever I see any post anywhere I always amplify them. And try to verify so that they can reach out to the right people. Small and Big everything counts in this testing time.

My covid journey made me strong and gave me more strength. Also I have learnt one important lesson: don’t take things for granted, especially your health. We all are in a crucial stage, our life circle is interconnected to some extent. Our one careless step can be harmful for others. Be mindful and take all necessary precautions. Be careful because your one careless attitude can risk others.,nothing can be impactful more than your kind word.Be there for each other!

Everyone needs some support and strength….

About the Author

Monika loves to read in her spare time, and her favourite author is Marks Manson. If you don’t catch her reading, you might see her gorging on street food or napping.