Volunteering Helps Your Mental Well Being!

The Wishes and Blessings Volunteering Wing Squad for Change encourages not just giving back to society to bring about positive change, but also to look inwards, to bring about growth within. Squad for Change volunteer Anurag Choudhary shares his thoughts on how volunteering helps mental well being.

It has been rightly said,“ The more you give, the happier you feel”. Being helpful to others gives immense pleasure and leads to mental peace.  It helps to counteract the effects of stress, anger, and anxiety as nothing relieves stress better than a meaningful connection to another person. It keeps the mind distracted from destructive habits like negative thinking or being overly critical and provides a sense of accomplishment. We think, “If I can do this, what else is possible?”

Volunteering and Squad For Change bring like-hearted, like-minded people to come together over common interests and expand their social network. These activities require learning new skills and gaining a new ability coupled with being in an unfamiliar environment which provides the mental stimulation that we would otherwise not experience. We can gain a sense of pride and identity leading to having a more positive view of ourselves. Volunteering can give meaning, purpose, and fulfillment in ways different than what we do or have done for work. It put things in perspective and helps grow compassion for others while expanding our minds and worldview.  It is also a fun way to explore different interests while contributing to social welfare. Thus spiking feel-good hormones in oneself necessary for mental being.