7 Ways to Live Sustainably – Starting this World Environment Day

  1. 1. Upcycle: While recycling is definitely the way to go to save the planet, upcycling is also a lot of fun! You can make the coolest stuff like accessories, desk decoratives, usable storage, and whatnot from your old and worn-out things! How something old can just become something new, and save the planet a little – is just unbelievable to us! So, why not do the cool thing, upcycle!
  1. 2. Buy Responsibly: The best of us still get some things wrong. To know better can be a little stressful, because then your mind won’t let you do the lesser right thing! But what is an extra minute of consideration before picking a product if it can save the planet? So, on your next trip to the supermarket, or scrolling through an app, give it a thought about where this product will end up, once you’re done with it – and buy responsibly!
  1. 3. Sustainable Fashion: In today’s world everything we consume counts to something bigger. Everything has an impact. So, while all of us love a good outfit, the fashion industry today should also be more responsible. That happens when the consumer chooses better – yes, that’s us! You can wear sustainably by making your clothes last longer, not throwing them away when you’re bored – you could donate them, or resell them; accept second-hand clothing (keeping in mind the hygiene standards of course), buying from brands that state they produce from sustainable fabrics.
  1. 4. Sustainable Travel: While the world is at a halt right now, we can not forget the impact of car fuel on our planet. While e-vehicles are a plausible solution, they might not be accessible to everyone. What is accessible, however, is local transport and the option to carpool! The walk involved in using local transport would only help us last longer, and could we all agree, carpools are just fun?
  1. 5. Save Water: We can’t even remember when this phrase became a slogan – the sad part is, most of us still haven’t got it right! Sustainable use of water is an essential factor in taking care of this planet. With this pandemic situation taking over us, the stress is on ‘washing hands’ for 20 seconds, 60 seconds – as the directives go. But we should not forget, the tap doesn’t need to stay on for all that time! Don’t let one crisis worsen another. Close the tap – be mindful!

  1. 6. Sustainable Eating: While eating may be the most basic function we need to sustain our own bodies, eating sustainably may be one major factor that influences the planet’s health as well! We all love that one restaurant that serves the perfect portion sizes and has the best flavor, but living in a lockdown situation, the ‘take out’ rate has gone up considerably! This doesn’t only endanger our health at this time, it also adds up to the plastic packaging material used to deliver you this food! So, why not try and make cooking fun?
  1. 7. Grow Your Own Food (GYOF): One of the best ways to eat sustainably and add to the planet’s health has to be growing your own food! Kitchen gardens can be the cutest when done right! You can not only eat better, but you also get to watch it grow! The fun and the peace that a home-grown garden can bring are immeasurable! If our uncles and ammas at Mann Ka Tilak can grow one of their own, you have no excuse! So, go! Upcycle your broken mugs, jugs, and pots and turn them into planters!

Manaswani on how you can live sustainably!

About the Author

Manaswani Saxena is an enthusiastic development sector content developer. She loves to write short stories and poetry. She is a complete foodie, loves good music. With the right people, she’s also a little crazy!