Happiness is a Choice

We never know what life has in store for us and what is just around the corner. It is perhaps the element of mystery that adds to the beauty of life. Each person makes different choices in life, and they tend to correspond to our personal needs, goals and tastes. Like the many choices we make in life, we can also choose happiness. Happiness is a very subjective term i.e. it means different things to different people: some associate it with a flourishing career, some with happy and meaningful relationships, some with material possessions and some with spiritual growth.

We all make our choices according to the circumstances we face in our life. One choice could be different from the other. For instance, one person could be content with a smaller salary or happy with their work schedule; their productive working hours are their happiness. However, there are many individuals who are happy with their hefty salaries but their work life is very monotonous and they are stressed about it, but they find their happiness in the money. Our choices both personal and professional define the levels of happiness we invite into our lives.

In this hustle bustle of life, whatever path we choose to pursue for our happiness, we need to pave it on our own.

Today, I would love to share my own experience and the choices I have made in my life. Since my college days I found myself drawn to the subject of humanity and society welfare. I realized that working for others leaves me happy and fulfilled. When I informed my family about my career choice they immediatly told me I was making the wrong decision. They wanted me to take up a conventional job. But I did the opposite, I always wanted to work for the society and I stuck to my decision, this choice continues to give me happiness.

My parents still try to convince me to apply for a government job just for the sake of their happiness; again this term is very contradictory. Here my happiness was in working for others, whereas my parent’s happiness was in work for those who are accepted by the society. Why is working in the social sector so underrated? Eventually those who belong to the social sector wonder why they are any less than warriors? They are also working for those who are neglected by the society and they are working for their upliftment. Why is their happiness questioned, And their career choices not taken seriously?

I am working as a Youth Coordinator and my work satisfaction is my happiness. Handling 500 individuals from different backgrounds and seeing a vision of the better place to live in is my happiness. And I am okay with the fact that my idea of happiness doesn’t resonate with many people my age. My happiness depends on the choices I have made in my life. Others’ depends on the interest they have developed in their life. None is lesser than anyone. Every individual has their own entity, own experiences, their choices reflect on that. Happiness is our own choice.

About the Author

Moniks believes you must choose your own happiness

Monika loves to read in her spare time, and her favourite author is Marks Manson. If you don’t catch her reading, you might see her gorging on street food or napping.