It is a fact that inclusion holds the key to corporate success, simply because diverse workforces are fundamental to a sustainable organization. A fact is a universal truth, but people place societal norms a little too close to their hearts. Hence, the lines are blurred.

You might have noticed that the month of June, which is celebrated as “Pride Month” worldwide, has suddenly become a new marketing subject for the brands operating in India; especially since 2018, when the century-old law, Section 377 was repealed to decriminalize sexual orientation or relationship between two consenting adults of the same gender.

Every flyer on social media posts can be seen celebrating Pride, but how often do you find the members of the LGBTQ+ community in your office? While finding the way through the challenges of a workplace and prevailing over them can be intimidating for most professionals, the struggle is heightened for members of the LGBTQ+ community. For many queer and transgender professionals, inclusion and reception at a workplace are far from reality. This is the reason why the majority of the members of the community do not choose to come out at professional setups. Presently, there is not a single law that protects the queer and transgender population from workplace discrimination and harassment based on their identity.

Having known this harsh reality, let’s now look at some of the ways how offices and work setups can be more welcoming to the members of the LGBTQ+ community.


One of the most significant aspects of inclusion in the workplace is using the right terminology and not assuming someone’s gender and sexuality. Preconceived stereotypical notions about the community must not be entertained in a workplace. Additionally, the anti-harassment and anti-bullying policies of an organization must be LGBTQ+ inclusive. Otherwise, the LGBTQ+ employees might feel pressured to conceal their identity; and suffer from amplified stress and trauma. This can affect their output and performance. This is the major reason why most queer and transgender people leave their organizations.


The LGBTQ+ Inclusion Workshops are educational workshops conducted by a concerned organization, where employees are taught about the “Do’s” and “Don’ts” of working with their lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender colleagues. Why you may ask; because they belong to a marginalized section of society who are qualified enough to work in an office like you, and have long been crushed, not to! Organizing such workshops sends a comprehensible message to your LGBTQ+ employees, that they are seen and supported. It also demonstrates to your staff that you will not endure inequality and that you give importance to diversity in the workplace.


When a diverse workforce work united, incredible decision-making and outputs are achieved. Acceptance and appreciation always motivate any individual to work even better. On the other hand, a judgmental and divided workforce will only fan homo/transphobia, and thus, poor results.

Pride Month is celebrated to promote the self-affirmation, dignity, equality, and increased visibility of the LGBTQ+ community as a social group. Countless people are killed and discriminated against, solely based on their identity. ‘Pride’, as opposed to ‘shame’ and ‘social stigma’, is the principal attitude for the movement. So this time, don’t just celebrate Pride as an annual ‘rainbow-inspired’ month, merely for marketing and social media engagement; rather, look for the ways how you can be more inclusive to this community both at individual and professional levels. Happy Pride Month!

About the Author

Khushaal Sharma is a Content Creator at Wishes and Blessings. He loves to make YouTube videos, write blogs and spend time with dogs. He firmly believes that endings always lead to new beginnings.