10 Ways To Make the Most of 21 Days and #Squad for Change!

We’re gearing up to make the most of the lockdown. Let’s direct our energy into positive outlets and make the most of the extra time on our hands! It is a popular notion that it takes 21 days to build a habit, so let’s break bad habits and establish new and healthy ones! Here are 10 ways to make the most of 21 days:

1.Healthy habits Healthy you

Haven’t we always wanted to lose a few extra kgs and fit into our favourite clothes but also complained about having no time? Well, this is your opportunity to catch up on your health which starts right from that 30 mins exercise daily. How about an online Zumba session or a solo dance party with your favourite song? There are many apps that offering free sessions and millions of tutorials on YouTube. Get those tracks out and get your sweat on!

Children dancing

2. Make New Friends!

We’re spending more time on our phones than before. And, lets face it- social distancing and isolation can get a little lonely. Why don’t you join an online community of people who think just like you? If you are looking to join a network that is full of fun opportunities, join Squad for Change! There are exciting contests and exclusive goodies up for grabs.

3. Get that Glow!
All those ubtans and face packs just lying around, waiting to be used… nows the time to give your skin a much-needed break from the dirt and grime that comes with being outdoors. We recommend mixing 2 spoons of curd with 1 teaspoon of haldi and a dash of honey. Leave on for 10 minutes, wash off and reveal glowing skin!

4.Be an E-volunteer at#SquadforChange

Did you know, you can sit at home, hang out in your pj’s and come to the aid of the underprivileged? Excited to know more? Get in touch now! Opportunities include designing, creating content and social media!

In case you wish to join, fill this application form


5.Meditate and reflect

It is imperative that we take time out to meditate and reflect. Times like these can be extremely challenging for all, especially for those who are struggling with mental health. 10 minutes of meditation daily can calm thoughts that go nowhere. There are lots of apps that aid in chanting and regulating breathing. Find what gives you comfort and peace.


6.Catch up on that sleep

Remember how we complained of not getting enough sleep for so long? Well guess what – life has given you the ultimate chance to snooze off and take long naps at any time during the day. PS. This doesn’t apply to all of us who have jobs and continue to work from home. Kudos!

Sleeping chikdren during winter

7. Help those who need it the most!

Wishes and Blessings is still continuing to feed many underprivileged people across Delhi/NCR. While many have lost their jobs, we need to join hands to ensure that their basic needs are still fulfilled. If you have money to spare, please consider donating it to an NGO that is working tirelessly during this time of emergency. No amount is too little! Better yet, spread the word and help us reach out to those who can help and those who need help.

8. Books are a man’s (and woman’s) best friend

Books have the magical power to transport us to lands never seen, to become the heroes and heroines we dream to be. Pick up an old favourite and relive memories, or pick a novel from a genre you’ve never delved into!

9 . Learn a New Skill

There is this whole digital world waiting to be explored. Enrol in any online course or tutorial that you may find interesting. It can be absolutely anything ranging from learning Mandarin to baking or even DJing!

10. Family first!

It’s time to finally sit with your dad and have those good ol’ conversations or accompany your mother while she sips her early morning ‘chai’. Let’s not forget that when all else fails, they were always there for us. If you’re currently away from home, get onto a few video calls and make sure that your loved ones are in high spirits!

Meanwhile, stay safe, wash your hands frequently and if you feel like at this point in time you want to be “An agent of Change”, get in touch with us!