Giivng back to society through ration kits

The Amazing Glory of Giving Back

A small act of compassion can go a long way in giving back and bringing about a positive change in someone’s life.“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples” were the famous words of the benevolent Mother Teresa. She is the epitome of how one can attain happiness and success even in the service of others.

Why You Should Be Giving Back

All of us go through problems and face various challenges; life is not a bed of roses for anyone.  In the midst of that, there are people who turn their own struggle and grief into a kind act of helping someone in need. Does this mean they get something back in return? No, people don’t indulge in charity because they expect something back. They do it merely because the feeling of knowing that your generous actions can provide someone a much-needed sense of warmth and comfort, and can bring a smile to their face is the most precious and soulful thing ever.

Even if not for others, one should indulge in social work for their own well-being because giving back brings with itself a feeling of self-fulfillment and gratification and cultivates values of integrity and sharing within an individual. Thus, though life is uncertain, it is possible to add meaning to it by assisting those who are not as privileged as us – financially or in other ways because social work does not limit itself to a particular field.

This is why all of us can be expected to indulge in it and by giving back we would be lending a helping hand towards the progress of society. For instance, just because a person is born into a poor family does not mean that they should be denied the right to education. It simply means that they need help in attaining this right of theirs and if we all come together to sponsor a child’s education we would be giving back to society because only an educated person can contribute towards the nation’s development. So, when we join hands to work collectively, we can strive to move forward into a better tomorrow.

Our greatest gift to the community is contributing to making others’ lives better. We enter and leave the world in the same manner but the life that we have in between is something which should be made remarkable. This can be achieved through acts of kindness and charity so that even after we die, someone in the world might always remember us and the life we gave to them.

About the Author

Kavya Chugh is a second-year college student pursuing Psychology Hons. at Kamala Nehru College, DU. She is passionate about writing among other things such as dancing and singing and is currently also working on her own novel. An equally ardent change-maker, she has been volunteering with Wishes and Blessings since June 2021 and wishes to contribute to society through both her actions and words.