Patience is a Virtue

Patience – this is one word that most of us try to understand and apply in our daily lives. No matter what we think, our ability to manage ourselves in all situations is something that only happens in dreams. The fear of the future or the thought of losing others forces us to abandon the idea of ​​patience. We go straight to action, whether we are ready for the consequences or carefully consider the options ahead.

In the lives of ordinary people, this can affect the personal level; When it comes to people in positions of power and the public eye, how a person behaves leads to making or breaking their position. Gandhiji once wrote, “To lose patience is to lose the battle”. Even though it’s a simple line, the depth and meaning of the same in our life have got more prominence than many other qualities. No matter what we want to accomplish and how hard the work is, we can get what we want if we are willing to be patient.

Today, in addition to the pandemic and the initial confusion and fear, people around the world are beginning to realize that this will take time to overcome, and that life needs to continue. So, for all those out there who wish to do things faster than the speed of light-wait, think, and see if it is so important to make a call or make such a quick decision and jump into it. Of course, in the event of a medical emergency, no one will ask for patience and do not wait to think of a suitable solution. Other than such situations, remember the words of Aristotle- “Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet”.

This article is written by Manya Garg, Squad for Change Volunteer. If you would like to join our enterprising and exciting volunteering community, open to all ages and across locations, please click here.