Tips On How to Manage WFH during the Lockdown

Balancing personal life and private life is becoming extremely important, especially during the lockdown. An imbalance can lead to multiple issues, including disturbed sleep, irritability and a decrease in attention span. Here are some tips that can help make your lockdown experience easier!

Tip 1

If possible, try setting up your workstation in a different room away from the bed. During the initial days, I started working on my study table which was right next to my bed and before I could realise, I was on the bed with the laptop on my lap, and even before I knew, I would have fallen asleep.

Tip 2

Be motivated. Sometimes it is important to understand the bigger picture and work towards your goal rather than getting bogged down by short term hiccups (I understand that for a lot of us, our plans had to be realigned or completely changed due to the uncertainties caused by this pandemic, but always remember that eventually, it will all fall into place. Just trust the process and keep moving forward)

Tip 3

These are uncertain and tough times. Embrace them and do not be too hard on yourself if you are not able to work or concentrate on any given day. None of us has faced anything close to what we are going through right now. So, take a step back, relax and just be positive and stay calm.

Tip 4

Do not neglect your physical and mental health. I understand that we all have been confined within the four walls of our homes and cannot go to the gym or to play some sport. Though we do not have the power to end this pandemic (I really hope and wish we did), we can learn to adapt and find new ways of staying physically and mentally healthy. One of the best ways to do this is by practicing yoga (yes, I am guilty of not having done it regularly myself and hence you could not find it written anywhere above. So, this suggestion is not just for you all but also holds true for me). Practicing different breathing and meditation exercises not only helps us stay fit physically but also helps us mentally as it calms us down.

Tip 5

Monitor your daily intake of social media (be it through news channels or watching videos on any social media platform). We all need to understand that there is a lot of negativity all around us due to the ongoing pandemic situation, thus we need to take care of our mental stability/health. Our intake of information from various platforms plays a huge role in this. So, as a suggestion watch some stand-up comic videos or anything that lightens up your mood. This will really help you stay positive in these times.

Tip 6

Try to clearly define your personal and professional life. As is with most of us currently, we are all stuck in the work from home situation since the past few months, thus blurring the boundaries between the professional and personal lives. However, we need to set barriers for ourselves and not give undue importance to any one of the two. Define clear working hours to your family and consider yourself in office and unavailable for any other personal engagements during those hours (I understand this is easier said than done, but trust me, this will really help). Do all your personal work outside of the official work hours. This will remove the overlap and both the tasks would be done more efficiently. Let your manager know that you are not living in the workplace and cannot work 24 hours. It is important to set boundaries for both your office and your family.

Tip 7

Have a proper good night’s sleep. Your body needs the time to rest and rejuvenate itself. (Plus, I love sleeping, so how can I not give this tip :P)

Tip 8

This too shall pass (oh yes, we have all heard this a gazillion times and how could I not have added this tip :P. But on a serious note, no need to fret too much about this pandemic. These are unprecedented times, but we should all try and stay positive and hope for a better tomorrow)!

About the Author

Manik loves to spend time with his family, listening inquisitively to the stories his grandparents share. He has always been passionate about helping society and thus gave up his Investment Banking career to pursue his passion. Having majored in finance, he wishes to increase financial literacy and awareness in the country