Volunteer this Summer!

The summer holidays are coming up… which means you have a lot of time on your hands! While shopping and watching movies sounds fun, these do become boring after some time, and these do cost money. Are you looking for something fun, exciting and also free to do? We suggest volunteering!

Why Volunteer at all?

-You will feel good and take pride in yourself for serving others.

– For good karma because we all know what goes around comes around.
– You will meet a lot of people.
– You get to learn new skills that can be added on your CV.
– You are bored at home! Volunteering will keep you occupied and out of the house.


5 ways to volunteer this summer:

1. Volunteer at home!

– Yes, you heard that right! Volunteering begins at home. We often presume that our parents and the elderly at home would ask for something if they need from us. How about going upto them asking them about things you could do for them. However, volunteering is not about doing things for others rather it could simply be spending your time with them may be having a conversation to break their loneliness or isolation. Elderly people are just like kids but they are often ignored at home, please start by giving them your company doing things they have always wanted to.


Naina in deep conversation with Rita Peter, a resident of the old age home Art workshop at Mann ka Tilak



2. Volunteer at shelter homes for underprivileged kids!

– We all have that one thing we are passionate about but not sure if we are good enough to make a difference in the world with that passion. However, all things start small, don’t they? Go teach what little you know to the kids who are not privileged enough to choose what they want to learn. You might end up helping a kid discover his/her passion and also you would feel more grateful about what little you know.


A Youth Lights workshop in progress   Deep conversations between interns and children


3. Volunteer by feeding the hungry!

– In India, it is not difficult to find people on the streets who have stopped craving for delicious food. They eat what they get! Try cooking some extra food at home to feed as many people as you can on the streets. When you see them eat the same food you eat at home, it would make you realise how grateful you are to be served delicious food at home everyday. Carrying extra bottles of cold water in summers while you’re driving around can always help people on the streets to beat the heat. You don’t have to start big, small initiatives make big differences.


Yummy Frooti!    Ice cream makes the day better

4. Volunteer Saturdays at Wishes and Blessings

– Are you a person who always wanted to do something to give back to the society but time does not allow your thoughts turn into actions? Well Wishes and Blessings has got a perfect solution for working professionals to volunteer on every alternate Saturday of a month at one of their shelter homes. Just decide to give some time doing some fun activities with the kids on a Saturday and it will make your rest of the week go by with a sense of pride of doing something for a higher purpose.


Easter Egg painting workshop    Colourful pinwheel workshop

5. Youth Lights

– Education is not just about the information we acquire but more about the discipline, attitude and responsibility we carry. Being in the information era where more information is available today than ever before, sadly the schools have not been doing enough to instil the sense of purpose in kids. This is exactly where Wishes and Blessings come in with their structured intern program for school and college kids. If you have been waiting for a golden opportunity to create, innovate and execute your own projects in and around the community then it is time to put light on what you have within and get it out in the universe through Youth Lights.