Why do we celebrate World Environment Day? Because everything we are, everything we have been, we owe it all to the environment. We are always surrounded by it and yet we have become so disconnected with it. The World Environment Day, celebrated every year on 5th June since the initiative took off in 1973, puts a spotlight on issues concerning the environment that should not go unnoticed.
Thus, the World Environment Day is celebrated primarily to highlight the extreme concerns we have regarding the Earth’s functioning and health. This day brings together millions of people across the world to activate the green spirit in our hearts and work to solve problems concerning the Earth and therefore, humanity. Researches have shown the incredible impact this day has had on our environment and how it has helped improve several causes it has dedicated itself to.
World Environment Day 2023 Theme and Host Country
For 2023, Côte d’Ivoire in partnership with the Netherlands has taken up the honour and responsibility for hosting the World Environment Day under the theme ‘Solutions To Plastic Pollution’.

History of World Environment Day
This year marks the 50th anniversary of this initiative. The beginning of this most essential celebration of the environment can be traced back to a warm June taking place in Stockholm, Sweden in 1973. It was here that the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, which has been widely regarded as the first ever global environment summit, took place. It appears as if this summit which took place nearly 50 years ago was exactly what was required to wake up a generation. It called upon over 150 countries to turn their attention towards the crucial matters threatening our environment.
This was when the World Environment Day was first formalised. This event has occurred each year since then, every time focusing on a new and pertinent problem bothering our one Earth under the guidance of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). The need for this day was felt when there was a series of natural disasters occurring in the 1960s called for concerns and awareness regarding the planet’s fragility. That fragility was illustrated by the iconic ‘Earthrise’ 1972 photo of the Earth taken by the Apollo 8 mission – the first colour photo of our planet from space.
Importance of World Environment Day 2023
The World Environment Day this year has concerned itself by raising an extremely important topic which is ‘Solutions To Plastic Pollution’. Under the #BeatPlasticPollution, the UNEP has called on every single resident of Earth to reduce plastic use, to come up with solutions to fight this ongoing crisis, and follow through with the solutions provided. UNEP has set a massive goal, that is, to reduce plastic waste by 80% in the next two decades. The United Nations Foundation has presented five things we must know about plastic pollution.
Plastic Pollution has been a major threat to the environment for the longest time, pretty much since it was first made. Today, there are islands that are entirely made up of plastic. Why is this the case? Plastic is completely non-biodegradable. They simply break apart into smaller pieces which come to be known as micro-plastics or nano plastics. It is extremely indestructible. Essentially, all plastic items ever made still exist on this planet.

Most importantly, plastic products are widely used and usually for a sole ‘one time only’ purpose which results in mass production and toxic disposal of these products. More than 430 million tons of plastic are produced each year, two-thirds of which are cast aside as waste after just one use. Now, despite their size, these micro-plastics are a great threat to human health and the ocean ecosystem. Since they don’t go away ever, they seep into everything. Researchers have found traces of plastic in human blood as well! These substances are extremely toxic for humans, even cancerous. Similarly, it has been predicted that if the necessary steps are not taken, there will be more plastic in the sea than fish.
Every droplet contributes to the formation of oceans. The goal to completely eradicate plastic pollution may seem daunting. However, there are a multitude of tiny activities that could be performed at home, in office or in schools which will help with this cause and the environment, in general. Since the biggest roadblock with plastic is its ‘use once’ quality, we need to eliminate Single-Use plastic and we have to Reuse, Recycle, Reorient.
This essentially means to reuse the plastic substances that we already own (such as bottles, containers and so on). Plastic articles are very easily recycled. For this, we have to learn how to separate our waste and ensure that plastic does not sneak its way into compost areas since that could be detrimental. Furthermore, plastic can be used for a multitude of purposes besides the one it was made for (plastic bottles as pots).

How to Celebrate World Environment Day at home?
This World Environment Day, perhaps those at home could contribute by:
• Washing the plastic containers they get when they order from outside, storing them and using them in the future rather than disposing them off so soon.
• People can make a conscious effort to carry their own water bottles while travelling rather than getting the plastic water bottles from stalls and restaurants.
• Next time you visit a coffee shop, you can take your own container for your beverage rather than using the paper cups offered. Plastic straws should be avoided, rather just drink from the cup itself.
• If we reduce consumption, we can reduce manufacturing. Refuse the plastic knife that comes along whenever you purchase a cake.
• For those working on this day, you and your team members can evaluate the amount of plastic used and simultaneously disposed of in your work space. This can prompt an interesting discussion about minimising your contribution to the giant plastic heaps. For spreading awareness, you can put out posters or articles on your company/organisation’s pages.
• Avoid buying any plastic items. Install a water cool rather than using mini plastic bottles for water.
• Try to use ink pens, pencils, or buy refills for pens. Pen bodies are also a major part of the plastic disposed of each day.
• Avoid getting balloons for any office celebrations.
• Use cut off plastic bottles as pen holders.
• Students hold a lot of power when we talk about bringing changes. They are the youth and therefore, must be equipped with proper information and tools to build a better future. Various initiatives can be taken up to sensitise the public.
• For example, A ‘Best Out of Waste’ competition can be arranged using only plastic products, art and craft items. Every student should convert a cut plastic bottle into a pot to illustrate just how something toxic can turn into something heavenly. Workshops can also be arranged in schools in order to inculcate environment-friendly habits from a young age.
In conclusion, there are multiple things we can do to protect our planet. All we need is awareness, information and the determination to see our planet thrive for the generations to come. Celebrating days such as these and educating those who lack access is the way we can slowly build towards a plastic-free and sustainable future. Happy World Environment Day!
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