5 Initiatives One can Take on Republic Day for a Better India

We celebrate Republic day with grandeur, with celebrations all over the country, and the spectacular Republic Day parade in Delhi, the capital city of India. Presided over by the President, the Supreme Commander of the Indian Armed Forces, the parade primarily pays homage to the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the country and honors the military personnel, citizens, and children who fought bravely and vigorously in times of adversity. It exemplifies the nation’s exquisite cultural hues, heritage, and military dexterity. Far and wide, the army and school children also celebrate Republic Day through parades, flag hoisting ceremonies, and singing the Indian national anthem.

Republic Day is not just about celebrations but about an endeavour to build a better world, a better country for its citizens. Here are some initiatives one can take to give back to society and bring about a positive change:

Giving back to society: Nowadays, one might find it hard to play catch-up in a fast-paced world. The growing use of technology has resulted in reduced attention spans. We often get so engrossed in a virtual life that we forget we have a life beyond that. It is essential to be aware of not just ourselves and our needs but of the needs of those around us. We must be mindful of the state of affairs of the world, especially within our country, and actively participate in spreading awareness to those uninformed or misinformed. India is a country with a vast population, where much of the population is uneducated and poor. We must take advantage of our privileges to make them privileged. Delhi-based NGO, Wishes and Blessings works on several projects to uplift the community through means of education, health, skill development, etc. By doing our bit to give back to the community, we not only broaden our perceptions of the world around us but also gain a distinct sense of pursuit.

Take the initiative, work for a cause:  India is doing well economically but is underperforming on social progress. As citizens, it is our responsibility to take care of our collective growth and development. A practical method would be to take up causes that are personal to us and work towards them. Everyone in life feels passionate about some or the other cause. For some, it may be child hunger, for some, literacy. Initiatives like volunteering and charity help us make a  brisk difference. Squad for change, the volunteer wing of Wishes and Blessings offers varied opportunities to choose from that align with the interests and expertise of the volunteers.

Going eco-friendly: The environment needs us, now, more than ever, and it is never too late to start. The past few decades have observed rising global temperatures and frequent natural, as well as man-made disasters. Watching a clearer and more beautiful sky, land, and water during the lockdown phases of the pandemic, has made us aware of our exploitative habits and the need to care better for the environment. We must keep reminding ourselves that the Earth is the only home humans have known, and her care should be our utmost priority. Sustainable practices must be implemented in our daily activities and routines like using a bamboo toothbrush, not using single-use plastic, for example, shifting to aluminium straws instead of plastic straws, composting our organic household waste, etc. 

Being all-inclusive: India is a diverse nation with people from different races, religions, ethnicity, etc., and all having their separate identities. In order to live in harmony, we must learn to respect diverse cultures and traditions. We must treat people with equity and dignity, mindful of their opinions and faith. Since recent years, we have seen progressive amendments to laws such as decriminalizing Section 377, recognizing a third gender, Permanent Commission to women officers in the Indian Armed Forces, and more so. But we are just at the beginning of a long journey of systemic changes. Therefore, we need to keep fighting for fair and just practices.

Battling Corruption: Some initiatives that will help us grow tremendously as a nation would be just by following the basic rules and regulations. The destitute have long been a victim of illegal practices and activities. Breach of law is widespread in many aspects, such as violating traffic rules, environmental policies, child labour, bribes, etc. Corruption starts from making the wrong choice. As citizens, it is our duty to abstain from unfair practices and report them. It is vital to educate ourselves and those around us about the unfortunate consequences of corrupt activity.

In the end, all we have to do is start caring for the environment around us. Small differences can collectively bring about a big change. This Republic Day, let us honour the establishment of The Republic of India and its constitution by doing better and then best for our country. Let us not go gentle into that good night!

About the Author

Guneet Bagga is a Programme Assistant at Wishes and Blessings. She has done her Bachelor’s in International Relations and Mass Communication from the School of Liberal Studies at Pandit Deendayal Energy University in Gandhinagar. She is passionate about writing thought-provoking blogs and firmly believes in making a tangible difference towards a better world.