Looking Back at 2021 and New Year’s Resolutions

Team Wishes and Blessings looks back at the year that 2021 was, shares their learnings and what they look forward to in the new year! Dr. Geetanjali Chopra, Founder and President In 2022, I hope to give more importance to self-care, self-development and carve some time out for myself each and every day. Harpreet Singh, […]

People from across the spectrum of gender

Gender and Sexuality: A Quick Overview

“Sexuality is who you want to be with. Gender identity is who you want to be in the world.” – Hari Nef What is the difference between gender and sexuality? Gender is a term that refers to social or cultural distinctions associated with being male, female, or intersex. There is more to gender than just […]

helping poor and unprivileged children

How We Can Help Reduce Poverty

Due to the ongoing pandemic, the Indian economy contracted by nearly 24% in the last quarter. Although there are signs of economic recovery, it will still take the country a lot of time to fully recover. Thus, we cannot put the whole pressure on the government to make things better. We as individuals need to come forward and provide help in our own individual capacities. Thus, till the time we all don’t come together to fight this issue of poverty reduction, if not eradication, attaining it will be a pipe dream. 

4 Simple Ways to Put an End to Hunger

The lack of access to healthy food on a daily basis has affected roughly 14.2 million people across the country. Malnourishment in children leads to stunted growth, early death, development of disabilities, etc. All of the above can be avoided to a great extent if the nutritional requirements of the population are met effectively.

World Mental Health Day

“Treat your body like a temple” it’s said. Eat right, take care of your body, exercise etc. We talk about these things so often, the sound of these words has become almost like background music to our lives. What is sad is that when we talk about ‘body’ being a temple, we conveniently exclude our […]

My Exciting First Time Distributing Ration

“Khushaal, what do you like to do the most?” I have come across this particular question innumerable times. My go-to answer remains – “traveling”. I love to visit new places, capture the views, and take away baskets of memories. Each place has something new to offer. I am sure a lot of people love the […]

Listen to the Head or Heart?

80,000 hours is the amount of time an average human being spends working, or in other words, pursuing a career. And these are the hours that define the two most important aspects of a person’s life – success and happiness. So, what do we do – listen to the head, or follow our heart? Choosing […]