Life presents you with many firsts. I had never been to an old age home as such but my first was definitely an eye-opening experience. A long car drive led to an off situated Mann Ka Tilak, the old age home of Wishes and Blessings. Upon entering, a peaceful and blissful warmth engulfed me. There was an eerie calm to the entire ambience. We stood at the empty maidan in between two wings of homesteads. The ammas and uncles collectively walked out, knowing that a few of the Wishes and Blessings team members had come to visit. They greeted us with joined hands. Inadvertently, my hands too joined to return the greetings.
I am not accustomed to meeting so many elders all in one go. Seeing them all filled with enthusiasm, as if an old known relative had come in for visit, made me feel like I belonged. We generally got to know each other’s names and interests and It was surprising how much they remember and how significantly present they are in the moment. It was shocking for me to know that they all maintain pretty active lives, doing yoga, walking, helping in household chores, celebrating festivals and much much more, of course with the help and support of the spirited team members working at Mann Ka Tilak.

One of the residents, Nirmala Amma took us through her days in her native state in South India. It was wonderful to note her zest for life and courage to carry on despite all odds. The highlight was Hasibuddin Uncle’s Shayari at the end. I was not too sure of the meaning but then when someone pointed out that it was about how we’re all constantly worried about material possessions whereas God knows what our fate is going to be the very next day, I felt humbled.
Unfortunately, residents of Mann Ka Tilak have faced a horrific life in the past. Coming here, they have been given a new lease of life. From what I could make out, providing them with a home they can call their own has been a heartwarming but also an extremely challenging process for the entire team.
The elders at Mann Ka Tilak are connected with the same thread. Their eyes look heavy, having had a bitter end to lifelong relationships. However, this new family that they have come to know of gives way for new hope. Holding onto each other, sharing pain, joy, love, laughter and collecting, recollecting all that is left to their life, lend Mann Ka Tilak its sanctity. Sitting, interacting with the ammas and uncles at Mann Ka Tilak reminded me of my own grandparents. I only came to realise the importance of forming bonds with our elders. I took back lessons of instilling in us the care, love and respect we must shower our elders with and that they only rightfully deserve. This is the least we can do in return for their blessings without which there wouldn’t be any essence to our lives!
About the Author
Nidhi Beriwala is a full time humanitarian and a part time classical dancer. She likes to sing, read and write. She believes in the power of trusting life and likes to go with the flow!