Looking Back at 2021 and New Year’s Resolutions

Team Wishes and Blessings looks back at the year that 2021 was, shares their learnings and what they look forward to in the new year!

Dr. Geetanjali Chopra, Founder and President

In 2022, I hope to give more importance to self-care, self-development and carve some time out for myself each and every day.

Harpreet Singh, Senior Graphic Designer

The year 2021 for me has been full of obstacles that I had to pass by hook or crook. I travelled to a few places, met new people, and learned a lot of things about life throughout the year. For 2022, I want to stay positive, healthy, stress-free and explore new destinations.

Mohd. Junaid, Programme Manager

Alhamdulillah 2021 was good for me. My resolution for 2022 is to start taking more initiatives and to stay fit and healthy.

Barkha Hazarika, Programme Manager

My new year’s resolution is to travel to new places, learn new skills and make more and more money.

Rashmi Chauhan, Programme Manager

The year 2021 was a rollercoaster for me. It started with so much positivity, hopes and happiness but unfortunately in the middle of the year, my whole family was tested positive, and my father’s condition got worse over time. He is a warrior; he fought and survived, but not everyone was this fortunate in our kin. I lost so many relatives in my extended family who were very close to my heart. Furthermore, I was totally devastated when we also lost three residents of our old-age home, Mann Ka Tilak, who were not even covid positive! Veena aunty, Hasibuddin uncle and Rukmani aunty will always be in my heart, forever! I hope that next year will bring about happiness, optimism and new hopes in our lives. I pledge to be happy and resolve to take care of my family and myself through thick and thin.

Parul Kamra, Programme Head

What a year 2021 has been, personally and professionally! We have experienced the extremes of almost all spheres of life. I hope to take all my learnings of 2021 into 2022, and overcome all obstacles with a smile on my face and hope in my heart!

Eeshwarna Sethuramalingam, Programme Head

The year 2021 has been filled with valuable learnings and memories. It has taught me to be grateful for the love I have in my life. I would like to resolve to love more in the year 2022!

Anand Chandrashekhar, Programme Officer

2021 has been full of lessons for me. It has taught me to prioritize things and how to be more productive under different circumstances. Wishing everyone a very happy 2022.

Monika Phore, Programme Manager

2021 has been a rollercoaster ride for me. I have faced many ups and downs this year, but thankfully every situation made me stronger and better than before. This year my biggest lesson was that I have to stay firm and always follow my instinct. My resolution for the year 2022 and for all the upcoming years will always be to be myself. The most difficult thing to do, but at least I will try.

Khushaal Sharma, Programme Officer

2021 has been my year of revival from the traumas of the past. I gained new strength, became more resilient, and focussed on my personal and professional progress. For the year 2022, I wish for the well being of my family and friends. I will unlock a better version of myself every passing day, week, month.. year! Evamastu!

Abhishek Kumar Roy, Programme Officer

I wouldn’t say that I have life figured out yet, but I have an inner drive that makes me question the environment around me, and why both good and bad things happen! Still figuring out the concept of emotional intelligence though.

Arushi Painuly, Programme Officer

I still cannot believe that 2022 is just around the corner. I believe, the world is still processing 2019, which was 3 years ago! The past 2 years were full of perpetual lows for me, I lost my near and dear ones, like most of us in the pandemic. With the end of 2021 bringing in some hope and warmth, I am looking forward to 2022. Since we are still here and breathing, let’s take it as a sign of god’s good plan for all of us. Let’s take everything one day at a time, and look forward to life. The one giveaway that 2021 has offered me is to not give up on hope, love and compassion. For the year 2022, I  would like to resolve to be kinder and gentle towards others, and most importantly towards our own self.

Ayesha Najeeb, Programme Officer

The year started as a time of coming to terms with loss and the accompanying grief which led to introspection, and further to growth! Leaving the past behind and the future ahead, I started living in and appreciating the here and now leading me to see beauty in the usual, the winter sunshine, the aroma of the earth with the first drops of rain, in every call my mother make, in all of my father’s, “do you have money?” and in all of my brother’s “come and see me!”. Love has been the magic spell in 2021 that saved me and kept me going.