My Quarantine Gratitude Journal

Wishes and Blessings has a volunteer wing called ‘Squad for Change’, where individuals wanting to bring change in society are coming together to share ideas and build a network of changemakers! While on-field visits are put on hold due to the lockdown, volunteers from across the country are working hard to come up with unique and sustainable ideas. Recently, volunteers participated in an essay writing competition. Here is the winning essay, written by Kavya Aggarwal, on what she is grateful for during the pandemic!

The coronavirus pandemic is distressing. However, always looking at the fatality rate and bad news could have an adverse effect on one’s mental health. Thus, we should look to the positive aspects as well, no matter how trivial they may seem. Have you read about the environment or seen weather reports recently, for instance? There is a column that shows the air quality of various cities in the country. We all know how air pollution has been affecting us. Nowadays most Indian cities, even the ones notorious for their high levels of air pollution, are enjoying good air quality.

I don’t know about others but this lockdown has given me time to self evaluate and focus on myself. Uncertainty about what is going to happen next creeps within each one of us and the one way I cope when I feel stressed or anxious is by reminding myself about the things I should be grateful for.

Kavya is grateful for the reduction in pollution

Staying indoors means that a lot of us are spending more time with our families. There are no offices, no school, no hanging out with friends. Humans are social animals, and while you may have your reservations regarding interacting with your family, this is a great time to bond with them, even if it is over chai, or meals. I am really grateful that I get to spend time with my family in such a stressful situation, as it makes me feel so secure.

I’ve seen some beautiful moments too. One evening, when I went to look out of my balcony I saw a three-year-old girl on the bike, running with some serious speed while glancing over her shoulder and giggling with delight at her Dad jogging behind. It was a genuinely joyous scene and I couldn’t help but beam. Without lockdown would that Dad have been getting such precious time with his daughter? Perhaps not.

Isn’t this the best time to try out new things? Things that you couldn’t do earlier, because you had no time, or were afraid that you’ll fail in them, thus wasting your time. Well now you have plenty of time and there is no one around to judge you. I have utilised this time to try and experiment with new things, to see if they work or not and if not then I’ll have time to improvise it as well.

I’m definitely grateful to modern technology that has allowed us to virtually be connected to our loved ones all around the world. I never want to miss our weekly family tambola on Zoom-it has rightly been said, “Together forever, never apart maybe in distance but never at heart!”

Kavya is grateful for connecting with friends and family virtually

I’m grateful to all the essential workers who are the shield for humanity against this pandemic. A big Thank You to all the essential workers who continue to provide essential services during this time. There are no words that can adequately express our gratitude for all that you are doing during this difficult time.

I’m a foodie and I will always be grateful to my own mother for feeding me around the clock. I also learnt a few recipes and finally mastered my favourite- chicken biryani

I’m thankful to the beautiful sky and the birds that come to my terrace who patiently sit until I take out my phone to capture the moment and they suddenly fly away.

I’m overall grateful to the simplest yet most complex phenomenon called life. I’m thankful for having beautiful relationships with friends and family, the strangers who give me random smiles while I am out for a grocery run, this pause in life to be able to reflect on what’s important to me. Sometimes we get so caught up with our day-to-day obligations and we don’t take time to sit back and listen to what our inner voice might be telling us.

I just feel thankful for giving me another chance to breathe. I ask myself “Will the world be different?” Yes. I hope so. Doors will eventually open again. This, like everything else, will not last forever. I hope we continue to live in a world that is kinder, more gentle on the environment and live at a slower pace.

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