The Reset Button

Right now, all of us are experiencing the longest and largest lockdown ever recorded in human history as the global Coronavirus pandemic spreads rapidly and brings complete chaos to humanity. However,there is a completely different outlook that makes you wonder why suddenly now, nature is being rebooted and has the space to breathe.

It’s certainly brought old memories back to a lot of families and the simplistic way of living has regained its value. We are able to fully savour our morning chai with our grandma without having to run to meetings,assignments and pending work that used to almost bully us into thinking that it was our life. Did we really undermine the power of human relationships, conversations, interactions or even co-existing?

Nevertheless, the fear of this disease looms large outside. Also, a huge section of our society consists of homeless and daily wagers, that cannot sustain itself amidst such a crisis. What again restores faith in humanity is the work being done by various non-profit organisations, private institutions as well as many generous individuals in India who have come out in large numbers to help out the underserved by providing food, shelter and medical aid at this unforgiving time.

Prayers with those in pain and hope the situation comes under control soon. Also, a great time to reflect on our choices and question our priorities. Remember the time we all sighed and thought “Oh, I need a break”? Well, nature would always overpower and it rightfully pressed the reset button before we rejoiced more in thinking that “We’ve got this!”

Nidhi Beriwala is a full time humanitarian and a part time classical dancer. She likes to sing, read and write. She believes in the power of trusting life and likes to go with the flow!