Journal Writing and Mental Well Being

“Write hard and clear about what hurts.”  – Earnest Hemmingway How to get started with expressive journaling? Journaling is a highly effective tool for stress relief and can take several forms, so there are multiple options that can work for you. If you already have a favourite journaling habit, by all means, keep it up! […]

My Experience with Squad for Change

I still remember the day when I received the call to be a part of Squad for Change and little did I know that it would be such a life-changing experience! After volunteering for more than a year I can just say that its a blessing to be a part of it and my experience […]

Volunteering Helps Your Mental Well Being!

The Wishes and Blessings Volunteering Wing Squad for Change encourages not just giving back to society to bring about positive change, but also to look inwards, to bring about growth within. Squad for Change volunteer Anurag Choudhary shares his thoughts on how volunteering helps mental well being. It has been rightly said,“ The more you […]

Breaking Stereotypes

Anvita Agarwal, a member of the Wishes and Blessings volunteering wing Squad for Change shares her insights into dealing with and breaking stereotypes and gender norms. I would like to begin by quoting something said by Shirley Chisholm. It goes like “The emotional, sexual and psychological stereotyping of females begins when the doctor says, ‘It’s […]


It is a fact that inclusion holds the key to corporate success, simply because diverse workforces are fundamental to a sustainable organization. A fact is a universal truth, but people place societal norms a little too close to their hearts. Hence, the lines are blurred. You might have noticed that the month of June, which […]

7 Ways to Live Sustainably – Starting this World Environment Day

1. Upcycle: While recycling is definitely the way to go to save the planet, upcycling is also a lot of fun! You can make the coolest stuff like accessories, desk decoratives, usable storage, and whatnot from your old and worn-out things! How something old can just become something new, and save the planet a little […]

Volunteering Experiences

Squad for Change volunteer Manushree shares her volunteering experiences! To be honest I joined an NGO just for the sake to complete my hours for HVCO course but after joining Squad for Change I felt good about the work I am doing with SFC and I may admit that I was always seeking an opportunity […]

What I Learnt…

Volunteers at Squad for Change were invited to share what lessons they have taken away from their favourite novels. Read on to find out what Priesha took back from reading John Green’s The Fault in our Stars… John Green’s novel The Fault in Our Stars is about a love story between two teenagers who meet in a […]

My Journey with Covid-19

Nothing can make you happy in these times except testing negative. I have struggled a lot in the past 27days. Every day would make and break me. Isolating for 27 days was challenging-  I isolated myself in my room and took all the safety precautions that had been assigned by my doctors. Rigorously doing my […]

10 Ways To Stay Positive During Tough Times

Do Fun Things In tough times, you have to keep yourself constantly motivated. Whether it’s chatting to your friends or having delicious home cooked meals with your family, find ways to bring spirits up. This will drive you to overcome these natural life hurdles  Remove Negative Thoughts One has to re-evaluate things in times when […]