Malnutrition in India

India has the maximum number of malnourished children in the world – 1 in every 3 children is malnourished. The situation is extremely critical because the effects of malnutrition are irreversible if they occur at a young age. If not death, it leads to permanent disabilities that render the children challenged for the rest of […]

Re-opening our Day Care Centres!

The education sector has been hit really hard in the pandemic, even more so in the case of children from low-income backgrounds. Their studies came to a stop overnight with the lockdown, and many had to drop out of schools to help make ends meet. Their academic progress was susceptible to being set back, but […]

Celebrating 1 Year of Squad for Change!

As Squad for Change, the Wishes and Blessings volunteering wing completes 1 year, a few volunteers share their thoughts and experiences while being part of this exciting and engaging volunteering community! How did you get to know about Squad for Change and why did you decide to join it? I get to know through social […]

Hope is a Decision: Visit to Mann Ka Tilak

Life presents you with many firsts. I had never been to an old age home as such but my first was definitely an eye-opening experience. A long car drive led to an off situated Mann Ka Tilak, the old age home of Wishes and Blessings. Upon entering, a peaceful and blissful warmth engulfed me. There […]

Valentine’s Day at Nizamuddin Centre

हमने ये तो जाना हमें क्या करना हैं, हमें क्या बनना हैं और हमें क्या पाना हैं, लेकिन ये सब हासिल करके भी क्या हम ख़ुद को संतुष्ट पाते हैं? यह अहसास वक़्त वक़्त पर होता रहता हैं! जब भी कभी मुझे मौक़ा मिलता हैं, फ़ील्ड पर जाने का ! कुछ इसी तरह का अहसास मुझे […]

What Does Love Mean to You?

Volunteers from Squad for Change, the Wishes and Blessings volunteering wing, were invited to share their views on what love is as part of the yearlong campaign of #WBCares. February is the month of love, and the volunteers went all out to share what they thought love means. Here are the shortlisted pieces! Manya Garg […]

Ageing Gracefully: Part 2

Senior citizens constitute a precious reservoir of human resource- they are gifted with knowledge of various sorts, varied experiences and deep insights. They might have formally retired, yet an overwhelming majority of them are physically fit and mentally alert. That’s why they are playing an important role in the socio-economic development of the nation. But, […]

Ageing Gracefully: Part 1

It is a moral duty of us to take care of the elderly. Our parents and elders sacrifice their golden days with a smiling face while they help us in shaping our own lives. During their ageing days, they also want support, love, and care from us. So we need to provide assistance to them […]

Being Mindful

“You cannot believe in God until you believe in yourself”. The above was famously quoted by the great, Swami Vivekanand Ji. The key lies in understanding the above quote and adapting to that quote in real life. This article would especially focus on how his key teachings could be applied in the current generation of […]

Helping Someone In Need

Help verb to make it easier or possible for (someone) to do something by offering one’s services or resources. Helping someone is considered a noble deed across the globe. But, who decides the fact that who requires help and who does not? One of the basic rules of helping someone is that it is not […]